
Showing posts from February, 2020

Suprise Wedding

You were strolling down the sidewalk, breathing in the fresh summer air. It was good to have the afternoon off, letting you enjoy the sun and the heat that you missed out so much on. During your sessions you spent pretty much all your days inside at school, either in classes, or doing homework or projects. During summer you had to work as many hours as you could to pay for school, at your lousy department store clerk job. As a result, you had a very pale complexion, which didn't look too bad with your long blond hair and slender build. You'd like to pack on a bit more mass, look manlier for the ladies, which weren't too impressed with your build, but between school and work you had very little for that, much less for socializing.     And so, you ended up being a bit of a recluse, not by choice but simply by lack of time and will power. With the long days that you had you rarely had any energy left to do anything at the end of the day. You hadn't been to a social outing

Big Boob Problems

"Girls have it so easy" you say to your best friend, Jason, who was sitting besides you at a booth in a bar. "They just have to wiggle their tits and boom! Free drinks all night! Then if they want to get laid they can bat their pretty little eyelashes at any guys and bring them home!" You couldn't help but rant. It had been weeks now that two of you went out every other night, in hopes of getting lucky. Evey night ended in deception, with multiple rejections added to your roster. It was getting frustrating. The worst part was that the two of you weren't even bad looking, you even had your fair number of lucky breaks, but this dry spell was really getting to you. "You think us girls have it that easy?" You hear behind you, voice coming from an adjacent booth. "You really have no idea of all the pain we go through daily, which far outweigh these little advantages you listed." You turn around and see a petite woman wearing a black dress. She