
Showing posts from May, 2022

Date Night

Stan gulped as he stood in front of the door, bouquet of flowers in his hand. Tonight, he had a date with his long-time crush, Kaylee. They had spent all of high school together, in the same classes, and it was only now, two years later while they were in college, that he had finally gathered up enough courage to ask her out. And turns out, she had been kind of into him as well all those years, which explains why she had remained single for so long, while being a hot and popular girl. So, he had great feelings about this night, and the nights to come. Yet he couldn’t help but feel nervous as he knocked on the door a few times. Opening the door was Kaylee’s dad, a large, tall man with a shaven head. But more than his physique, his attitude imposed respect, fear even. Stan shrank down under his judgmental gaze, as the man looked him up and down, analyzing him. “Can I help you?” He asked, his deep baritone voice matching his intimidating physique. “Hi… I am here to see Kaylee? She and I h

Cheaters Never Prosper

Christina was fucked and she knew it. Not only had she gotten blackout drunk and cheated on her boyfriend with a total stranger, but said boyfriend was also a really powerful warlock with quite a temper. Ever since she had found out that William could bend reality to his will, she had tried to find a way to end their relationship, escape him without dooming herself in the process. But against a man who could wield magic, it was easier said than done. And now it was only a matter of moments before he woke up and didn’t find her next to him. He would then most certainly use a spell to locate her and teleport to wherever she was, and then it would be over for both her and her unfortunate one-night stand, who was still sleeping blissfully next to her. As if she had summoned him herself, the man in question appeared at the foot of the bed with a loud “Bang!” and a puff of smoke, anger burning in his eyes. She yelped in surprise and the man who’s name she couldn’t even recall woke up with a