Curse of Feminity

True terror. It is the only thing even close to describing how you feel right now. Slowly losing yourself, your body, your mind, your identity, and not being able to do anything about it. Becoming someone else entirely, the old you being wiped off from the face of the earth. And the worst part was that you didn’t even deserve it. All you did is fall for the wrong married woman, and she for you. You didn’t do anything improper, you actually waited for her to divorce her husband before officially dating her. And it’s not like you destroyed their relationship or anything like that, they were already growing apart, the husband being a self entitled dick having done that work for you. Meeting you was just the thing she needed to realize that she didn’t need him, he needed her. So she left him for you, a more gentle, kind man than he ever was. But he didn’t see it that way. To him you were the sole reason his wife had left him, the bastard that stole the love of his life. So logically if he were to take you out of the equation, remove you as a potential partner for her, he could easily get her back. So that’s what he did. Using an ancient family artefact, he cursed you, to become the kind of person she would never be able to love. The most feminine woman ever. But the changes would not be quick, they would drag out. He wanted you to suffer, and for you to see yourself becoming more and more something you both hated.

The first thing to change was your mind. It started with your interests, your pastimes, your passions. Sports became boring and dull, video games pointless. Instead you often found yourself browsing on the tv and settling on a soap opera, only realizing what you had been watching after hours. You also found yourself taking much more time than usual shopping all the time, even spacing out and realizing you were in lingerie boutiques or jewelry stores. Then speech patterns came, where for some odd reason, you couldn’t help but refer to yourself as a girl, a woman, when you spoke. It was a slight change, but a disturbing one. The first one could be somewhat explained by being absent minded, and having changes of interest, but now however hard you tried you couldn’t call yourself a man. It was the first time you suspected something deeper was going on. Then a more drastic change came along… clothing. You hated your men’s clothes. They felt off on you, and were growing more and more uncomfortable. You started buying women’s clothing while on your shopping trips, and secretly began dressing up as a woman. You also started wearing panties and thongs instead of your normal underwear most of the time, because they felt so much better, so right on you. You tried to hide it from your new girlfriend for as long as you could, but she did eventually find out. She said she would love you no matter what, and that you had to stay honest with her if you wanted the relationship to work, but even as she said it there was some hesitation, some hesitancy. This wasn’t the man she had fallen in love with.

Then your body started to change. Your chest area was feeling sore and tender, and soon it was obvious you were growing breasts. You know you should have felt more afraid, more horrified, but at this point you were almost glad for them, because they gave you an excuse to start wearing bras as well under your irritating male clothes all the time, and feel even better in what you were wearing. Then your dark hair started getting lighter and lighter, and longer and longer as well. You tried to fight it, colour it, cut it, shave it even, it was no use, the next morning it was back, a shade blonder and tad bit longer than it was. Your bulging figure also started fading, slowly but surely. Large shoulders started narrowing, manly arms thinned down, well defined legs becoming pudgy and soft. Your body hair was also thinning down rapidly, until one day it was all gone, save for a small patch right above your shrinking penis, which was losing girth and length at a frightening pace. Soon you had a hard time getting even the smallest erection, until you were left with only a pussy, and actual vagina between your legs. Your hips were growing wider and wider, and your waist thinner and thinner, and with your bust getting larger and larger, you now had a distinctive feminine hourglass shape. Eventually you just gave up fighting this and started dressing up as a woman all the time, not just in private. That was when you first caught your girlfriend crying in the washroom. She had been as supportive as possible during the changes, trying to help you figure out why this was happening, and helping you fight it, to no avail. You knew that she was strictly heterosexual, and had no physical attraction towards women. This left you both in a state of questioning, of where your relationship was going. You tried your best not to think about it, but it was hard. She no longer shared your interests, and now you had a body she no longer desired. But then the last phase started kicking in.

Your new relationship was pretty much doomed at this point, but her ex-husband really wanted to make you pay for what he thought you did, so he took the only thing that you had left, your identity. It started with your name. Gone was your old name from your mind. Try as hard as you could to remember it, it was no use, all that would come up is your new name, Stacy. And this was a deep and powerful curse that affected reality itself. Not only you could not remember your name, but no one else could, nit even your girlfriend. All that would come up when they think of you is Stacy. Then your sexuality shifted. So far you had retained your attraction to girls, but now it was gone. Looking at your new desirable body, or at your girlfriend, you felt nothing. However you found yourself staring at men’s butts and crotches while out in public, trying to picture them naked, with you, in you. You libido was ramping up, and you felt more and more need to sleep with those men you so desired. Your girlfriend broke off your relationship when she first caught you sleeping with a guy, saying that she couldn’t take it anymore, this was too much. However strong her love was for you, you were no longer you, but someone else, someone she couldn’t be with. So she left you alone, as you kept spiraling further down into this new self that you despised, that wasn’t you. Your memories started changing as well now. You could remember growing up as a girl, playing with dolls, then having your first period, and your breasts starting to grow. You tried to hold on to your old life, to who you were, but it was in vain. Over the course of a few days, your high school memories changed from being an attentive student to a drop out. Then college faded away, replaced by a stint working at a strip club to make money. That’s when you felt your intelligence start to drop, along with your attention span. Focusing was getting harder and harder, and you were more and more often finding yourself on auto-pilot, letting this feminine body with it’s girly urges lead the life of the woman you had become. You couldn’t remember where you used to work, or what you had studied in, only that you were now a waitress at a sleazy bar. And then the curse was done, having erased the old you from existence, leaving only Stacy, the dumb ditzy blonde waitress.

You never learned what happened with you girlfriend and her ex-husband. Not that you even knew them in this reality. You were just a slutty waitress who loved to bring her clients home after her shift was over. This is who you always were, who you would always be. Just a girly girl with only feminine interests, like shopping, fashion, overly dramatic tv shows and men. Somewhere deep inside, the old you was screaming in terror, that this was all wrong, this wasn’t you, but he was powerless, only a spectator to the new feminine life you now lived, stuck as a passenger in this girly body forever.


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