Fortune Teller - Change your Fate (Interactive)

You were tired of your old life. Whatever it was, you just couldn't take it anymore. Whether it was your appearance, your job, love life, or even just bad luck, you hated how things had turned out, and how your future was looking. One day you were wasting time at a local town fair, with nothing better to do, when you saw the mystical looking tent, and it grabbed your attention. Moving to it, you could see a panel on the outside.

Fortune Teller
Change your Fate

Intrigued, you drew the tent flap aside, and walked into the dark interior. The whole space was filled with light smoke, and smelled strongly of incense. Sitting at a wooden table littered with crystals, cards and herbs was a young woman with dark skin and frizzled black hair. She was looking at you and smiling a knowing smile, almost like she knew you.

"Hello my Dear, I was waiting for you... Come, come and sit down."

Perplexed, you sat down, asking her how she knew you were coming.

"Well that's easy Dear, I can see the future, so I already know who you are, and why you are here. And it is not to know what fate awaits you, no. You want to change your fate, your past, your future, your life. And I can do that for you, but there are conditions.

"First, in this new life of yours, you will be female. No ifs or buts, this is how it is, how it will be. It's how I do things. If you want a new life, you will be a woman. Second, there is a process to this. Your new life will not be perfect either, there has to be balance. But you will have a little bit of control over some aspects of this new life of yours."

With that she reached under the table with her hands, and brought out a deck of cards.

"We will be choosing three aspects of your life with these cards. First your appearance, how beautiful this new body of yours is. Next, we will be drawing for your mind, your level of intelligence and attitude. And finally, we will draw a new career for you, the job the new you will do for the rest of her life.

"But as I mentioned, everything must be balanced. You can choose to enhance one of the aspects, but it will be at the detriment of another. If you want, you can go the moderate way, and increase an aspect a little, and decrease another by a little as well. Or you can go towards the extreme, and improve an aspect greatly, and hinder another one just as much, up to you. So are you in?"

She smiles, knowing very well that you cannot refuse this tempting offer. So, thinking it over a little, you agree to her demands, nodding your head.

"Good! Now we can begin! The first card will be for the body. Shall we go average? Go moderate and make it good or bad? Go extreme and make it best or worst? Up to you, but be careful, these choices will shape your fate forever, and once you choose and the cards are drawn there is no going back!"

Pick Best Body

(Inspired by other interactive stories at and )


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