
Showing posts from September, 2021

Lost at County Fair

It was a beautiful day at the state fair, the sun was shining, kids were running around laughing, sounds of games, arcades and rides resounding through the summer air made for a joyous and festive ambiance. But, most importantly, you were truly, deeply happy. Arm wrapped around your beautiful wife, there was nowhere else you would rather be in the world than by her side. You had played a few games here and there already, grabbed a few snacks to eat, and now you were just relaxing, enjoying each other’s company, and chatting without a care in the world. The two of you had met many years ago, and it had been Love at first sight. And now that you had been married for a few years, the discussion was gravitating towards the future, and when to start having kids. You were both in a good place with your jobs, owned a decent sized house, everything was in place start raising a family. And your wife Melissa couldn’t agree more. But then all the soft drinks started getting to you, or more specif...

The Whore and the Cunt

Your ex-girlfriend Janice wasn’t the most stable person. She wasn’t batshit crazy per say, but she often freaked out over little things, and could be emotionally manipulative, preventing you from going out with friends, and going as far as sneaking on your phone to make sure you didn’t speak to any girls. Your self-esteem was so low at that point, it took you years to realize that this relationship was toxic and not doing you any good, actually contributing to your negative mindset and depression. And you weren’t able to do it yourself. Liana, a coworker, was your biggest supporter over the year, being there when you needed to talk and vent, hearing your relationship horror stories, providing you comfort and companionship. Of course, Janice never knew about her, or she would have flipped her shit and forced you to change jobs. Even when you left her in the end she didn’t know of Liana’s influence on your decision, of how she helped you on the path to self-acceptance and a healthy minds...

Illusory Relationship

 Allan had always been fascinated by all things magic. He would constantly go to shows, stop to see street performers, even attend conventions on occasion. Of course, he had tried himself, but he lacked the dexterity and showmanship, and decided to give up on that dream, opting to remain a spectator in that domain, which was fine by him, as the more mystery there was, the more surprise and enjoyment he could have. Unfortunately for him, his wife Ariel did not share his enthusiasm, being a pragmatic, down to earth person, she didn’t enjoy the tricks and mysticism. Tricks were either too easy to decipher and boring, or impossible to solve and the performer was cheating, there was no middle ground, and thus no enjoyment for her. But tonight, Allan had finally convinced her to attend a show with him. It wasn’t magic per say, it was a hypnotist show, so it was a bit of compromise. Allan could finally share his passion with his wife, and Ariel could say that she had at least tried to e...

Hotel New You - Life Reassignment Inc.

The neon sign flashed above your heads. “HOTEL NEW YOU” it read, blinking every few seconds to attract attention. Technically this place was supposed to be refreshing, give you a vacation you would never forget, with a whole new lease on life. Honestly, you thought this was just some marketing bullshit, and the only reason you were really here is because you had a discount with your travel agent. You rolled up the entrance with your suitcase in tow, your wife by your side. She had been hesitant about this place, the name, and the look of it not inspiring confidence. But you still managed to convince her, saying the discount was substantial enough, and the place didn’t look so bad, even if it was eccentric. So, you walked in, heading to the reception area. Despite the gaudy exterior the interior was actually not so bad, you were pleasantly surprised. The person on the other side of the counter stood up as you walked in, beaming smile on her face. “Welcome to Hotel New You, valued cu...